Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Movies of the Month: November

November came and the holiday season came and a plethora of movies came out in theaters and I saw only two of them ( okay I saw three, but I included the first one in last month’s article). Yes, I saw a disappointing amount of movies, I has just been busy lately. Since I do this almost every month I’m going to still review both of them. Hopefully next month I’ll see a few more.

1 SHEET MASTER_Template The Blind Side: The Blind Side is about a southern woman and her family who adopts a poor teen from the ghetto and is able to change his life. Also the teen is good at football. This movie isn’t really that bad, it’s just very generic. It’s a dime a dozen feel good film. Sure, there are funny moments, and Sandra Bullock actually did a good performance, but its just generic. There’s not much to comment on this film because it’s just so generic. Did I mention it was generic.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

fantastic_mr_fox_poster Fantastic Mr. Fox: Fantastic Mr. Fox is about a fox named Mr. Fox (surprise) who stole livestock from three farmers named Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. However, the three farmers soon discovered the hole where Mr. Fox and his family lives, and starts digging it up. The story is how the Foxes evade them. This movie is based on a book written by Roald Dahl who also wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. First, I have to say that the book this is based on is my favorite Roald Dahl book. The movie on the other hand, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really like. Yes I like this movie. First thing I like is the animation; the stop motion is superb and unique. The second thing I like is the humor; the dry humor would put even the most stuck up person in a good mood. The final and most important thing I like is the story. The writers took the story and expanded not only the beginning but also the end. I recently reread the book and I nitpicked a little and found a few problems. The writers must of done the same because every problem with the book was fixed in the movie. An example would be that most of characters in the book are bland. In the movie on the other hand, the characters are one of the best contributing factors. In the end, this movie is not only better then the book, but in my opinion better the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Sure, Willy Wonka is a classic, but I like this movie so much more. This is one of the best films of the year and I think it deserves;

5 out of 5 Stars


This month was good, despite seeing very few films I really enjoyed it. It seems the advantage of seeing a few films is that you avoid the bad ones.

Possible Best List Nominees: Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Possible Worst List Nominees: Not really anything.