Sunday, November 30, 2008

Transporter 3 Review

"Warning to avoid spoilers go to the bottom of this post to see what I rated it"

I've never been a fan of the Transporter franchise and this movie got bad reviews. The only reason I saw this was the whole "there's nothing else out" scenario.

The movie starts with Frank Martin the transporter out in his home and then a car crashes through his wall. It's one of his friends that he recommended for a job. Apparently his friend was suppose to transport the daughter of a powerful politician so the politician would have to sign a bill that would let boats of toxic waste through to their country.So the friend gets taken in an ambulance and then the ambulance blows up. Frank Martin is then knocked out and captured by the bad guys. The main villain (whose name I forgot) forces Frank to take up the job of transporting the girl to wherever they need to transport her. They also put a bracelet on Frank and the girl. What the bracelet does is if you get far enough away from the car the bracelet explodes ( it's like house arrest but deadly). So Frank and the girl are on the road trip (The girl does have a name but she only said it once and it was something very complicated and foreign), the girl's main job is to withhold the plot and talk about her favorite dinner. While on the road trip Frank decides to take a detour to a friend that would remove the explosive bracelet. The bad guys unfortunately find out that he went on a detour and they find him at the friend's shop. There Frank fights 8 men and doesn't even get hurt, maybe they would have a chance of beating him if they didn't go on attacking one at a time. I mean are they really just standing there and after he defeats one of them another one say " okay Joel just went it's your turn Bob". That right there is one of the most overused action movie cliched ever. Another cliche used in the scene is the big guy. Yes that's right after Frank beat up 8 men then a really big guy where the worst dialogue in the entire movie is said:

Frank: "are you the smart one?"
Big Guy: " No I'm the the big one"

Come on there's so many other things that could be said such as:

Frank: "are you the smart one?"
Big Guy: "yes"


Frank: " here comes the big one"
Big Guy: " can somebody describe something about me other then my size for once?"

You could have even used the same dialogue but some expression would have made it better.

Frank: " are you the smart one?"
Big Guy (annoyed): " no I'm the big one"

Anyway Frank of course beats the big one, but his friend is unable to take off the bracelet making this scene just an excuse for an action sequence. One road trip and a couple action sequences later they're finally at their destination. Here they have the final battle on a train and of course Frank is able to defeat the villain and get the girl. Why in these brainless action films the main villain takes longer to defeat then his henchmen?

In conclusion it's another brainless action movie, I think two is enough for this month. It is actually a little better then suspected but I'll probably end up forgetting this film sometime soon making it not stand out whatsoever. I'll give it:

1 1/2 out of 5.

I'm just waiting for a good movie to come out soon.

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