Wednesday, December 24, 2008

7 most anticipated films of 09

The years is almost at the end and we have to look back at all the films we saw this year but I’m not doing my best and worst films of 08 lists until new years. Instead I’ll look into the future and see what films that I think will be good. Now these films might end up sucking and be big disappointments but for now these films seem like they’re going to be great.

7. Fanboys: I really don’t know much about this movie other than the plot. It’s about a couple of Star Wars fans who has a friend whose dying. To respect the friend they’re going to steal a copy of Star Wars episode 1 to show to him. Now we all know that this is going to end with a punch line of them getting pissed off because the movie sucks. Now the storyline doesn’t cry out comedy but it might make for a great dark comedy.

6. X-men Origins: Wolverine: I think this will be great because Wolverine is one of my favorite super heroes. I put it low on the list because the trailer wasn’t very assuring and the fact that they are giving a spin-off to someone that was pretty much the main character to begin with is a bit stupid. But I’m still optimistic that this movie will rock.

5. Transformers 2: The original Transformers was great and I just hope that the sequel will be great also. It is low on the list because sequels usually aren’t as good as the original but if they do it right then Transformers 2 will be another great action film.

4. Them: I don’t know anything about the storyline but I know that it is written and directed by the same guy who did Hot Fuzz my favorite movie of 2007 so I’m definitely going to see it. (Note: Can't find poster for this)

3. Pixar’s Up: Pixar has supplied up with a good line of classics that are both sentimental and funny. But lately with Ratatouille and Wall-E they’ve made movies that were just sentimental. Give us funny again Pixar. The trailer for Pixar’s newest movie “Up” looks very funny. It’s about a grumpy old man who coverts his house into an air balloon to go on an adventure. The only way this movie will be sentimental is if the old man is dying and if that’s the case then I’m going to be mad. Hopefully “Up” will make up for the unfunny films Pixar has been supplying us lately.

2. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: The Harry Potter series is one of my favorite children’s book series and the Half Blood Prince is one of the best. The only reason that it isn’t #1 is that the last Harry Potter film (Order of the Phoenix) was a piece of crap. I’m also mad that they kept the director of the last film. But with the delay they have more time to make a good film. Let’s hope that the Half Blood Prince makes up for the Order of the Phoenix.

1. The Watchmen: I’m not a comic book fan but both trailers for the Watchmen were both chilling and cool. The story is very interesting and the visuals look stunning. Also with it having the same director as 300 I know that this will be awesome. I’ll probably find myself seeing this film when it comes out.

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