Thursday, December 25, 2008

7 least anticipated films of 09

Since I did my 7 most anticipated films I’ll do the 7 films that I am not so excited for. These films will be bad unless they somehow are good. Now there are probably going to be films that come along and I know are bad just by watching the trailer but these are the ones I know about right now.

7. G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra: From past experiences live action versions of cartoons have been horrible. I don’t think this would be an exception.

6. 2012: Disaster movies usually are bad and seeing that the people who made this film have been making films that got bad reviews I don’t think this will be any better.

5. The Pink Panther 2: The first Pink Panther was just okay. Didn’t completely suck like everybody said it did. But as you know sequels usually aren’t as good as the original and the trailer for the sequel made it look like a completely stupid film. (Note: I couldn’t find the poster for this which is ironic because the film comes out in two months)

4. Ice Age 3: The first Ice Age is one of my favorite computer generated films but the sequel sucks. The third Ice Age would have been good if they just didn’t keep the lame characters from the second installment but they did, at least the parts with the squirrel and still entertaining.

3. Inkheart: I didn’t like the book, enough said. (Note: Can't find poster so used cover of the book)

2. New Moon: The first Twilight wasn’t that good of a film just like the book it was based on. The 2nd installment in the twilight series was just an okay book so I think it will just make a just okay movie. Also I’m mad that this movie is made because it is one step closer to the adaptation of Breaking Dawn the worst book ever made. (Note: There isn’t a poster for this so instead I have the cover of the book)

1. Monsters vs. Aliens: This just looks stupid. I know it’s a parody but it still looks like a bad film. There were no funny parts in the commercial and the plot is crap. The only way I’m seeing this film is if it got just great reviews.

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