Thursday, March 26, 2009

Movies of Next Month: April 2009

You know you can’t judge a book by its cover; a movie on the other hand prejudge away. In fact, that’s what I’m doing judging movies that come out in April by their trailers, plots, or history.

Fast & Furious Fast & Furious: I’m not a fan of the franchise. I haven’t seen any of the movies so I don’t have much to comment on. I do however would like to comment on the title. Calling the film “Fast & Furious” is very stupid. I’m not in marketing but I wouldn’t give the film a title that is very close to the title of the original which is called “The Fast and the Furious”. It wouldn’t really be a problem right now since anyone can tell that this is a sequel because this is in theaters and the original is on DVD but years later when somebody decides to rent “The Fast and the Furious” they might end up renting this instead or vice-versa. Release date: 04/03/09

Dragonball evolution poster Dragonball Evolution: Here’s a movie that looks completely stupid. The story is stupid, the effects look stupid, and the casting looks stupid. I’m not a fan of the show but I have a friend who is, and he thinks this looks bad. Also the title makes it sound like its a bad sequel instead of a bad original. After all this negativity I will have to say that I will probably won’t see it. The only way I’m seeing this is if it got good reviews and if it did it would be the surprise of the year. Release date: 04/08/09

Observe and Report poster Observe and Report: What the Heck!? Two films about mall cops in 4 months? Before this year I haven’t heard of any films about Mall Cops but now there’s two films about them. I think there’s something going on; somebody’s ripping off someone else. I mean in Observe and Report; he’s an idiotic mall cop just like in Paul Blarts, his love interest is a girl that works at a beauty stand just like in Paul Blarts, and there’s even a scene in a trailer where it looks like he’s trying out to be a cop just like in Paul Blarts. I don’t know who’s ripping off whom so I won’t accuse this movie of ripping off Paul Blarts or vice-versa, but it’s just kind of weird. It was like in 2006 when those two movies about magicians came out around the same time. On the movie itself I have to say that it looks like the R-rated version of Paul Blarts: Mall Cop. Might be good might not just have to see to find out. Release Date: 04/10/09.

Hannah Montana Movie Hannah Montana the Movie: A movie about an overrated pop culture sensation! Not seeing it. Release Date: 04/10/09

Crank High Voltage Crank High Voltage: Crank High Voltage looks like the unintentional comedy of the year; this movie will make science cry, and people walk out of the theater cursing themselves because they thought that it would be a good movie. Poor imbeciles. Release Date: 04/17/09

17 again poster 17 Again: this doesn’t look like the type of movie I would enjoy so I would not be seeing this film. I do have to comment that the film is unrealistic in saying that Zac Effron looks like a young version of Matthew Perry. Release Date: 04/17/09 (yes 17 Again is coming out on the 17th how funny)

State of Play poster State of Play: This movie hasn’t really made an impression on me. Might be good might not; I don’t know. Release Date: 04/17/09

The Soloist The Soloist: I think this movie might be an interesting Drama, might be good. Release Date: 04/24/09

Print Obsessed: Obsessed is about an office worker who starts getting stalked by his assistant and his wife isn’t taking it anymore, so cat fights ensue. It’s probably safe to say that this film is going to suck. Release Date: 04/24/09

The Informers poster The Informers: I couldn’t tell anything about this movie from the trailer so I decided to look up the synopsis online. The synopsis said that this movie is about a week in LA in 1983 following a Rock star, Studio Exec, and a Vampire. What the hell? Release Date: 04/24/09

Overall it doesn’t seem like a good movie month. There’s not really any movies I’m anticipating to see,but there’s some I don’t want see.

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