Friday, April 3, 2009

Movies of the Month: March 2009

Hey! Been in a coma for a month and now that you’re up you want to know what movies you should see? If so; then you’re in luck because with my series movies of the month I will review every movie that I saw this month in theaters.

WatchmenPoster Watchmen: Here’s a film that is hard to recommend. Why? Because everybody seems to have a different opinion on it. Some people like it, some people don’t. I personally thought it was a good film. It had good story, round characters, and I really got sucked into it. I do agree that the film has some problems like they never explain why Nixon stays in office, the guy they got to play Nixon was no Frank Lengella, the love scenes went on too long, and there were some really weird moments. Overall I thought it was a good film but I wouldn’t recommend it because it’s definitely not a film for everyone.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Witch mountain poster Race to Witch Mountain: Despite what I said on my article “Movies of Next Month: March 2009” I ended up seeing this film. After seeing this film I have to say that what I said in that article was true. The film was stupid; the editing was a mess, it had horrible story, the alien/Kids were surprisingly worthless, the characters were bland, and there were a lot of moments that defied logic. Now to be fair this is a children’s film but letting this film off easy because it’s a kid’s film is saying that kid’s films are always bad and that’s not true.

1 1/2 out of 5 stars

inkheart_poster Inkheart: Two bad kids movies in a row; I’m really unlucky. I saw this movie in the dollar theater and I have to say that it’s not worth my dollar. The plot revolves around these special types of people called Silver Tongues. Silver Tongues are people that brings things from books to life just by reading about them. When they do this however they send one person into the book. Wait, if you send people into the book does the text change? I mean the main storyline is that Brendon Frasier accidentally trapped his wife in a book, so he looks around the world for the book to read her out of it . That brings up the question that if they do change the text does it do it to every copy of the book. If that’s true then these Silver Tongues would create chaos in all the world’s stories. Last but not least if there are such people as Silver Tongues then wouldn’t they use their powers to bring back great people like Einstein, Lincoln, or Jesus? I think I thought more of the plot then both Cornelia Funke and the makers of the film. Plot holes aside, this film is terrible. The characters are annoying, the climax is stupid, and it’s just really hard to get into.

1 out of 5 stars

Sunshine cleaning poster Sunshine Cleaning: This film was good, it was no Little Miss Sunshine but it was good. It wasn’t exactly funny and it doesn’t really have a plot but I thought the story was good enough and it was able to keep me entertained for an hour and a half.

3 1/2 out of 5 stars

I love you man poster I Love You, Man: I was surprised to learn that Judd Apatow (The Producer or 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Walk Hard, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, etc.) Had nothing to do with this film. It seems that he’s influenced the comedy movie industry so much that there are many films that look like they could’ve been produced by him. On to the film itself; it was pretty funny but really nothing special. There were funny parts but the rest of the film was boring.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Duplicity poster Duplicity: This film was actually pretty good. It wasn’t great, but it did have a good story and was entertaining enough.

4 out of 5 stars

Overall this was an okay film month for me; saw some good films, saw some okay films, and saw some of the films that sucked big time.

Possible Best List Nominees: Watchmen and maybe Duplicity.

Possible Worst List Nominees: Race to Witch Mountain and Inkheart have definitely reserved a spot on the 13 Worst Movies of 2009.

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