Sunday, May 31, 2009

Movies of the Month: May 2009

Hello, Mellow Filmmaker here. I like many people, saw a lot of films last month so this might be an extensive article. It is shortened though because I included Wolverine in the last one. Some of these movies were good, some were bad, some were just okay. Without further preparation, Movie of the Month: May 2009.

ST 1-<span class=Sht" src="" width=166 height=244> Star Trek: This was surprisingly good. It had good character development, a decent plot, and it just an exciting film. There isn’t much wrong with it and I might be willing to see it a second time. Does this mean that I will become a Star Trek fan because of this. No.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars.

Terminator Salvation poster Terminator Salvation: This actually share some of the problems that the Wolverine movie had. They both had horrible character development, cliché plots, and a stereotypical African American who didn’t have any personality outside of being black. I can’t decide which film was worse, but the important thing is that they both suck.

2 out of 5 Stars.

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian: This was an adequate film. The humor was okay, the story was okay, and the food was okay [This film is so adequate that it made my food adequate(Wait I already did a joke like this)]. The main faults of this film is the ending and the whole trying to make Ben Stiller a bad ass campaign. But it was still an enjoyable film.

2 1/2 out of 5 Stars

<span class=disney-pixar-up poster" src="" width=244 height=157> Up: Now here’s a great film. Up is one of Pixar’s best. It has round characters, a creative plot, and a well put together story. The only problems I had with this film is that there’s a time cop out, and Pixar has forgotten to give us a short, but the film is just so great that I’m willing to overlook those and say that Up is definite must watch.

Possible Best List Nominees: Star Trek & Up

Possible Worst List Nominees: Terminator Salvation and Maybe Night at the Museum 2

Overall I had a good movie month. I did see some crap, but you have to be really lucky to not.

Movies of Next Month: June 2009

With may behind us we have to look forward to the rest of the summer, starting with June. So I’m posting this article of what you people have to look forward to and if I too look forward to them.

land-of-the-lost-poster Land of the Lost (Release Date: 6-5-09): I never watched the TV series because it was on way before my time so I can’t comment on that. I do have to say that it looks decently funny. It stars Will Ferrell who is Mr. Hit or miss, so this movie could go either way.

hangover-poster The Hangover (Release Date: 6-5-09): This looks pretty funny. I like that it doesn’t try to pull us in by huge comedic actors but instead gives some other guys a try. On the other hand it might just suck.

imagine-that-poster Imagine That (Release Date: 6-12-09): Imagine that just looks like another kids film. It doesn’t seem like it would be anything special mostly because the whole “Dad has more time for work then family” is way overused.

Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 poster The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (Release Date: 6-12-09): This looks like an exciting thriller. It has Denzel Washington as a subway worker who has to negotiate against John Travolta who is a hijacker. Lets see how it turns out.

proposal-poster The Proposal (Release Date: 6-19-09): This chick flick is about a boss who is in danger of deportation, so she has no choice but to blackmail one of her workers to marry her (Which would get you arrested but at least your still in the country). This looks like a chick flick, and not a good one at that.

the_year_one_poster Year One (Release Date: 6-19-09): This sort of looks like a History of the World Part 1 wannabee, but could still be funny.

transformers 2 -poster Transformers 2 (Release Date: 6-24-09): This is that last film I’m commenting on in this article. I liked that first one when it first came out but when I rewatched it I saw some of the stupidity of the film, but it was in my opinion a good film. The sequel could, as with all sequel, be a huge win or a huge fail.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Movies of the Month: April 2009

This is a weird movies of the month because I really didn’t see many films in April. I only saw two films and one of them (Duplicity) was included in last month’s movies of the month. To prevent this article from becoming “Movie of the Month” I waited a couple of days so I can include “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” in this article. Enjoy.

Coraline poster Coraline: Ironically, the only films I saw in April came out in previous months. After 2 months I saw this film in the dollar theater and I have to say that it’s really good. It’s surreal yet it isn’t that freaky. People comment on how beautiful this film is, and I agree that it’s very beautiful, but I think people don’t give the story enough credit. It’s very creative, very progressive, and the character development was great. The only real problem I have with this film is that I didn’t see it sooner.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

x-men-origins-wolverine-poster X-Men Origins: Wolverine: If you’ve read this blog so far then you would know that I just had a little voice telling me that this film would suck and guess what? He was right. This film’s character development is practically non-existent. What I mean is that these characters pretty much have either one or no personality. Even Wolverine is a little dull. The characters aren’t dived into so if you were asked what were these characters names and powers then you would probably would end up guessing (unless you’ve read the comics, which I haven’t). I mean I still don’t know the name of Wolverine’s love interest, Agent Zero’s powers, or why people think Watchmen is a terrible movie (I mean you could be a little peeved that they changed your precious ending but saying a movie sucks because of it is a bit of a overreaction). There are others things to nitpick at other then the poor character development but I don’t want to get into detail about those. The main thing that sucks about this film is that I ended up not caring what happened in the films. Half of the characters died and I would just shrug because they were so undeveloped.

2 out of 5 Stars

Overall this movie month was pretty much almost non-existent. I would probably make up for this in May.

Possible Best List Nominees: Coraline.

Possible Worst List Nominees: X-Men Origins: Wolverine.