Monday, August 31, 2009

Movies of Next Month: September 2009

The Summer is now officially over and we can all go back to school (unless of course you’re already finished school), as a result of less time for kids to spend at the movie theater the less likely to succeed films come out in September. Are all the films that come out in September look like crap? Let’s find out.

Extract poster Extract (9-4-09)

Story: A manager of a nut factory is having a hard time in his life. An accident at the factory results in a lawsuit, his wife is cheating on him, and he just isn’t happy. This movie a comedy about his life.

Worth Seeing?: The biggest draw to this movie is that  it’s directed by Mike Judge. Mike Judge is the creator of shows like King of the Hill and Bevis and Butthead. He also created cult classics such as Office Space and Idiocracy. It’s really up to you whether this film would be worth your time or not.

all_about_steve_poster All About Steve (9-4-09)

Story: Mary is a woman that has trouble with men, but when she meets a man named Steve she falls in love. She then stalks him.

Worth Seeing?: Most men and myself would probably not like a rom com about a woman stalking a man.  I can’t really speak for women though because I’m not a woman.

gamer-poster Gamer (9-4-09)

Story: In the future there’s a video game with the most realistic graphics around. Why? because the game is actually real life and people are being controlled by these gamers. One of these people are played by Gerald Butler (the “This is Sparta” guy) being controlled by a teenager.

Worth Seeing?: This movie looks a little bit like a stupid action film. The storyline is a bit creative, but the chances are this is another mindless action flick. If you like mindless action films then this might be the movie for you.

9-poster 9 (9-9-09)

Story: In the future, machines have taken over the world, and humanity is now extinct, and the only living organism (or close to living organism) are 9 sack boys. This is the story of their survival.

Worth Seeing?: Like District 9, this movie is based on a short film. The short film itself is actually really good. Another draw to this movie is that it’s produced by Tim Burton. Sure that only means he pays for the movie, but that also says that this experienced director thought that this was a good movie idea.

Coincidence?: Here’s a bit of a coincidence. This movie called “9” is based on a short film, but one month prior there was a film called “District 9” which was also based on a short. Both films are also directed by the short’s director, but are produced by a big name director. A bit of a coincidence isn’t it?

whiteout_poster Whiteout (9-11-09)

Story: Kate Beckinsale is a scientist in an Antarctic base. Its already dangerous enough with the weather, but then people start getting murdered. Spoilers: The murderer isn’t a person at all, its Penguins. They’re mad that there hasn’t been a penguin movie since 2007. Why did Happy Feet become Homicidal?

Worth Seeing?: I am a mystery fan, but I don’t really know how suspenseful a thriller can be when it's named after an office supply.

i-can-do-bad-all-by-myself-poster   Tyler Perry’s I can do Bad All by Myself (9-11-09)

Story: Tyler Perry’s Reoccurring character Madea finds these two kids breaking into her home. She then takes the kids to their closest relative who is their deadbeat aunt who doesn’t want to take care of them.

Worth Seeing?: If you’re a fan of Tyler Perry then this movie might be for you. Otherwise, this film looks like nothing special. We all know how this movie will end and it doesn’t look like the journey to that point looks bland.

cloudy_with_a_chance_of_meatballs_poster   Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (9-18-09)

Story: An ambitious but idiotic inventor in a town that only eats anchovies is trying to invent something revolutionary. He soon. comes up with a invention that turns water into food. When that device gets accidentally launched into the atmosphere, the clouds starts raining food.  But raining food doesn’t come without consequences. 

Worth Seeing?: Based on a classic children's book by the same name. It could be a very funny film, but at the same time it looks like it could easily fail. Only reviews from paid critics and personal pretences could help with whether or not this is a must see film.

jennifers_body_poster Jennifer’s Body (9-18-09)

Story: Jennifer (Megan Fox) is an everyday popular high school girl. Except for the fact that she eats people.

Worth Seeing?: This movie is the be embarrassed about seeing movie of the year. If you go to see this and tell girls that you seen it then you probably wouldn’t get dates from those girls. What I’m saying is that the only draw to Jennifer’s Body is Megan Fox’s body. Diablo Cody thinks that the fact that she wrote it is another draw to this film, but no. Juno in my opinion was a slightly overrated. With that said; the credentials  of writing Juno doesn’t guarantee that Jennifer’s Body would be well written. Why? Because Jennifer’s Body is a lot different then Juno. Writing a heart warming tale doesn’t imply that you could write a good horror comedy. The chances are; Juno was just a fluke, and people are only going to Jennifer’s Body for eye candy.

informant-poster The Informant (9-18-09)

Story: Matt Damon is playing a rising star in a big company. But when the FBI asks him to be their informant, then he goes undercover to gather evidence against his company. Unfortunately for the FBI; he isn’t the best informant.

Worth Seeing?: When I first heard of a movie about Matt Damon being an informant and going undercover; I thought that it was a drama/Thriller. Then I saw the trailer and saw that this was a comedy, a hilarious looking comedy.

fame-poster Fame (9-25-09)

Story: Fame follows the story of students of the New York City High School of Performing Arts. That’s pretty much it.

Worth Seeing?: This movie looks like a life film. What’s a life film? Its films about that are not really about anything except life. With that said; Fame could easily be boring for a person that isn’t in to this type of movie. What I mean is that non-musical fans might not like this movie.

invention_of_lying_poster Invention of Lying (9-25-09)

Story: In an alternative reality where everybody tells the truth and nothing but the truth, one man has just invented the lie. He then uses his invention to his advantage.

Worth Seeing?: The movie’s storyline is very creative and makes for a good comedy. It stars and is directed by British comedian Ricky Gevais, and judging by last year’s Ghost Town he is a very funny comedian. This will probably be good.

surrogates-poster Surrogates (9-25-09)

Story: In the future; people have became even lazier and decided to instead of living life themselves they take control of robots called Surrogates to live life for them. The effect of this is that crime is now a thing of the past. Its perfect until the first murder in 15 year occurs and FBI agent Greer (yes Greer) discovers a huge conspiracy.

Worth Seeing?: This film looks okay. It doesn’t look too good, doesn’t look too bad. It could go either way.

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