Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Movies of the Month: August 2009

Summer is officially over and overall the Blockbusters were just adequate. May and June gave us some real crappy movies, but July was good. Does August add more bad movies to the mix or does it give us some decent films? Lets find out:

gforce_poster G-Force: G-Force about a team of secret agent Guinea Pigs wasn’t as bad as I expected. I expected something really stupid, but this was just okay. The film was actually pretty funny. Sure it doesn’t make sense that a Guinea Pigs that live in pet shops somehow are able to make pop culture jokes. Even though the plot is stupid; it still comes out to being a decent film.

3 out of 5 Stars

Hurt Locker Poster The Hurt Locker: The Iraq War is a very touchy setting for a film and most films that are about the Iraq War (Outside of Documentaries) are critically panned. The Hurt Locker isn’t most films about the Iraq War. It is the story of a soldier in the army who’s main job is to defuse bombs. The film is good at being extremely suspenseful, developing round characters, and telling a good story. One thing I like about it is the fact that they don’t give special treatment for big actors. They don’t give big actors the biggest parts to advertise the movie, nor do they try to give them as much screen time as possible. There are only 2 big named actors in the movie and both of them only have about 5 minutes on screen. Another thing I like is the music editing. The editing for the music is so good that music actually blends in with the background and is barely noticeable. The only problem I have with this movie is that some scenes seem rather pointless, and it might be dull at parts.

4 1/2 out 5 Stars

District 9    District 9: District 9 is a film that thinks outside of the box and gives us something unique. Many you already know that this film is a fake documentary about aliens, but the film isn’t filmed entirely in the style of a documentary. When the film isn’t a documentary it does get a little clichéd. Also the film does have a moment or two that doesn’t make sense, but it is still a good movie. It is entertaining and the story plays out really well.

4 out of 5 Stars

Ponyo poster Ponyo: I am unfamiliar with the works of Hayao Miyazaki, but from what I hear he’s a good director. This film is like The Little Mermaid but better. It’s about the princess of the goldfish who falls in love with a little boy and wants to turn human. This film is a very imaginative and cute. The animation for this film is so good that this movie could be called a moving painting instead of a moving picture. My only real problem with this movie is that it doesn’t always make sense. It’s not that the moments themselves are weird, but how people react to those moments.

4 out of 5 Stars

Inglourious Basterds poster Inglorious Basterds: Like Hayao Miyazaki I am unfamiliar with the works of Quentin Tarantino, so Inglorious Basterds is the first film I saw that was made by him. I have to say that if all of his films were like this one then he deserves his reputation. Inglorious Basterds has to be my favorite movie of the year so far. There is nothing I find wrong with it, and its as entertaining as hell. Its both funny and has a great story at the same time. Sure sometimes the music is over the top but that’s part of its ingenuity.

5 out of 5 Stars

Overall, this was a pretty good movie month. I didn’t really see anything really crappy (that’s probably because I avoided G I Joe) and I saw some really great films.

Possible Best List Nominees: Inglourious Basterds, The Hurt Locker, and maybe District 9 and Ponyo.

Possible Worst List Nominees: Not really anything.

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