Monday, November 9, 2009

Movies of the Months: September & October (and a little bit of November)

Sorry for being a month late; I just have been really busy (in the loosest meaning of the word “Busy”). I was late to do last month’s article, so decided to procrastinate a little longer. Seeing that September & October are both filler months; I decided to review the movies of both of those months just to save time ( I also did a film I saw recently in November because I’m a big procrastinator) . Enjoy.

gijoe-poster1 GI Joe: Rise of Cobra: This movie technically came out in August, but  because I didn’t see it until September so I’m including it. This movie is probably my favorite bad movie to come out this year. What I mean is that it’s so bad that it’s funny. Pair many unintentionally moments with numerous plot holes, and clichés and we have this movie. Despite it being so bad; I’m going to give it two stars because I did have a good time watching it.

2 out of 5 Stars

9-poster  9: Before this movie came out; I went on YouTube and found the original Oscar nominated short it was based on. The short was pretty good, unfortunately, it might of damaged my opinion on the film itself. The movie seemed to change some of the story of the short including the ending. Character development in this film was poorly done. The short had better character development then this film and the short was only ten minutes long and had no dialogue. In fact; it seemed that 9 and 5 seemed to have exchanged personalities. There were also some nonsensical moments and the film felt like it had little story. This is better then most of the films I saw this year; but still not great.

2 1/2 out of 5 Stars

cloudy_with_a_chance_of_meatballs_poster Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs: The only thing I could really say about this film was that it was hilarious. Sure the story isn’t great, and I spotted a couple of continuity issues, but this is one of the funniest films of the year.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

invention_of_lying_poster Invention of Lying: This movie has a very creative storyline. It takes place in an alternative universe where people have to tell the truth. Ricky Gervais plays a man who has just invented the lie. The movie does cover most of the bases on how our world would be different if everybody had to tell the truth. This is very well written, and pretty entertaining. My only real problem is that I felt the movie didn’t take as much advantage on the storyline that it could’ve. It takes a dramatic turn too early in the film, and I just felt it could’ve been funnier. It also takes some bold leaps by saying that religion is practically a lie. It’s a good film, but I liked Gervais’ last film Ghost Town better then this.

4 out of 5 Stars

informant-poster  The Informant: Based on a true story; The Informant is about a man who becomes an informant for the FBI. The trailer made me think that this film would be funnier, but in the end it wasn’t that funny. During the whole film the main character narrates random stuff. This was funny at first, but it soon became repetitive. I do like the fact that they keep playing 60’smusic in the background. Even though it took place in the 90’s. (?) Overall it was a bit of an uneventful slow film, but it was still good. Just not great.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

whip_it_poster Whip It: I thought this movie was just okay. There were parts that were funny, and it is decently directed, but it was just so generic and the entertainment value is adequate. It’s better then the conventional sports movie, but it still isn’t great.

3 out of 5 Stars

where_the_wild_things_are_poster Where the Wild Things Are: I really liked this movie. The cinematography is great, the music is wonderful, characters are fleshed out, the effects are great, and the story is well put together. Some can argue that this film lacks plot at times, but the film is so well made that it’s entertaining despite that ( In my opinion. Some people I know that saw this thought it was boring). I can’t really recommend it; but I thought it was a good movie, and I hope you do too.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

zombieland-posterZombieland: This was a pretty funny and entertaining film. It was probably one of the few films that was better then I expected. Now I’m not a zombie movie fan so there might have been a reference or two that went over my head, but I still liked it.

4 out of 5 stars

disneys-a-christmas-carol-poster A Christmas Carol: This story has been adapted hundreds of times. Every person thought this story needed an adaption from Mickey Mouse to the Muppets. I don’t really blame them though, because its a good story. On the film itself; I think this is one of the better Christmas Carols. The animation is good and so is the voice acting. It is actually a darker film then I expected, but at times its childish with slapstick humor. Overall this is a great movie. The only problem is that this story has been adapted so much that it no longer has any impact.

4 out of 5 Stars

Overall these were a couple of okay months; some good, some bad. I hope you enjoy this article and take my film recommendations.

Best List Nominees: Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs and Where the Wild Things Are.

Worst List Nominees: GI Joe and maybe 9.

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