Tuesday, June 2, 2009

8 Worst TV Shows of the Season 08-09

Summer is the season for beaches, vacation, and summer blockbusters. With all those activities for people to do that means that most of the shows already had their season finale. Because of that I decided to list my 8 least favorite shows from the past year of television. Some of the shows are overall bad (and cancelled) and some were good shows that just had a bad season.

Family Guy Promo 8. Family Guy: Family Guy is overall a hilarious show, but you wouldn’t have known that if you’ve only watched the last season. The seventh season of Family Guy was just a huge fail. The unfunny episodes outnumbered the funny ones, and the plots of the episodes just have no thought in them. It seems that the show’s creator Seth McFarlane might just be losing his steam. Evidence of this is Seth’s online series Seth Comedy which is also more miss then hit. The funny thing I’ve noticed is when there was a funny Seth Comedy there was a funny Family Guy episode on that Sunday.

Gary Unmarried Promo 7. Gary Unmarried: This isn’t a horrible show it just isn’t that original and funny.The characters and story of this show is pretty much the same thing that most people been watching for the last twenty years. Whenever I watched this show I would thought that I could be watching a better show or do something better. I just can’t believe that this hasn’t been cancelled but My Name is Earl a funnier and more creative show has.

Saturday Night Live Promo 6. Saturday Night Live: Sure there were funny sketches such as the Political satire ones during the election but I do have to say that the show is going down the crapper. This is like the fifth or sixth season of SNL that has sucked. Most of the sketches aren’t funny, most of the cast members aren’t funny, and most of the guests aren’t funny. Even Weekend Update not funny anymore. If you watch an episode of SNL you might get one funny sketch. With unfunny sketches, and long commercial breaks SNL is one of the worst shows to watch live. My recommendation is to just wait till the sketches are posted on Hulu and watch the sketches that seem like they would be funny (Save a lot of time).

lost_season_5_poster 5. Lost: This isn’t the worst season of Lost (that honor goes to season 3) but this was a pretty bad season. The plot has gotten more confusing as ever, some of the characters have developed into unlikable characters, and some of the dialogue and events are just stupid. The worst part is that I think that they were just making the story up as it goes along.

true-beauty-promo 4. True Beauty: It’s ironic that a show about inner beauty can be so shallow. The show is about taking these “Beautiful” people and putting them in a house together making them think they’re in a beauty contest but they’re actually being monitored by the judges to see who has the greatest inner beauty. Sounds like a good concept but they just ruined it. They didn’t get the most beautiful people they could find they instead found the people with the biggest egos. Also the whole show seems so fake and superficial (ironic). Thankfully I stopped watching this show after a few episodes, unfortunately it’s still on the air.

I'm a celebrity get me out of here promo 3. I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!: This list was originally going to be a top 7 list but then I saw this show and decided to make it a top 8 to include this abomination. “I’m a celebrity get me out of here” is pretty much celebrity survivor except it comes of as entertaining as one of those survivor specials. Half of these celebrities I only know from the soup and the rest I don’t know at all. I personally think this show should’ve been called “I cause controversy, please exploit me”. I mean they have Heidi & Spencer of the Hills (The reality show that has been accused many times for being scripted), Sanjaya the guy on American Idol that stayed on too long, and they even have the wife of the governor who tried to sell Obama’s seat in the senate. It makes me lost faith in humanity knowing that somebody like Spencer exists, but it makes me lose more faith in humanity that people actually watch him and like it. The funny thing about this show is that the celebrities are complaining about being in the jungle, but the jungle doesn’t even look real; it looks like movie studio set and seeing the IQ of some of the celebrities I wouldn’t be surprised if it is. This show is also surprisingly boring, I mean in Survivor they’re good at editing to add in suspense and have interesting challenges, this show not so much. Overall I just have to say that I’m a viewer, cancel this show.

superstars of dance promo 2. Superstars of Dance: This one is probably one that most people forgot about or never even heard of. Superstars of Dance is a universal dance competition. I’m not that into dancing but I thought this might be interesting and educational on the dances across the world. What we got was a bunch of unintentionally funny dances that half of them I could do (and I can’t dance). Also the host female host is one of the most bland hosts I’ve seen in my life. The judges aren’t that good either having the American Judge be like the male version of Paula Abdul. It was only suppose to be on for a few weeks and that’s how long it ran, but I doubt it will come back.

crusoe_promo 1. Crusoe: This show is stupid, cheap, and cheesy. The special effects are so bad that you just can’t help but to laugh. In fact this show is very easy to make fun of. In a way this show is so bad that it’s good, and if it’s that bad then it definitely deserves to be #1.

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