Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Movies of the Month: June 2009

The Summer movies this year seem to suck. Okay they aren’t all horrible, but the bad movies outnumber the good. I’m still trying to decide if this summer is worse then 2007 (which was a summer of disappointment). Let’s just dive into this no matter how bad it is.

land-of-the-lost-poster Land of the Lost: Let’s start this off with a terrible TV shoe adaptation. This movie is very morbid. It’s not funny, the story denies any structure, and the jokes are so disgusting that it is borderline R. There were some clever moments in this film but those moments are few and they’re not worth it for most of the painfulness brought on by this movie.

1 1/2 out of 5 stars

hangover-poster The Hangover: Here’s one of the few good movies I saw this month. Sure it’s disgusting at times but that’s what you would expect from a movie called “The Hangover”. It’s about a group of guys who have a bachelor party in Vegas and wake up the next day not remembering what happened. The groom is also missing so they have to go look for him, and since neither they or audience know what happen the previous night the most random stuff happens because of what they did that night. It’s raunchy but I don’t mind raunchy just as long as it’s funny. If you don’t mind raunchy either then you should definitely see it because it’s hilarious.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

the_year_one_poster Year One: This could’ve been the new “History of the World Part 1” or “Life of Brian” but instead become a huge mess of a film that needs to be forgotten and buried. This had bad editing, poor jokes, and like Land of the Lost it was borderline R without humor. I even caught a couple of plot holes. Some of the scenes are just pointless but you could argue that the whole movie was pointless. It’s not as bad as “Land of the Lost” but it’s still pretty bad and a must avoid film of the summer.

1 1/2 out of 5 stars

transformers 2 -poster Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: I actually liked the original Transformers when it came out in 2007. The sequel on the other hand is a step up from the other bad movies but it still is pretty bad. My main problem with this film is that it doesn’t have much of a plot just explosions. Despite what people say the original Transformers actually had a good plot that takes many twists and turns. It also has the problems that many sequels have which is they do a horrible job introducing new characters. The new characters just seem to come out of nowhere from the new autobots to a new dog that the Witwickeys apparently got over the two year gap. There were also a lot of stupid moments and bad jokes. At least the film was entertaining so it didn’t feel like a complete waste of time.

2 out of 5 Stars

away_we_go_poster Away We Go: It’s nice to see an independent film once in a while. Independent films don’t have big explosions, or road tripping cavemen to pull you in. They just have a story, and that’s all it needs. Away we go is a nice little film about this couple who are expecting a baby, so they travel around the country to find out where they need to live. Sounds sort of sappy but this is actually a very funny movie. It doesn’t rely purely on sexual humor to get you laughing, it just funny. Seeing all the bad big budget films I seen this month I think this film is a nice break from the many fails that have happened this summer.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Possible Best List Nominees: The Hangover and Away We Go.

Possible Worst List Nominees: Land of the Lost, Year One, and Transformers.

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