Friday, January 23, 2009

7 Best Heroes of 2008

What makes a hero? Is it the amount of ass you kick? Is it how noble you are? Or is it a combination of both? Heroes are the backbone of a good action film or any film in that matter. I’m going to list my 7 favorite protagonists from the films of 2008. Why 7? Because I just feel like going with a lucky number. Here you go.

7. Despereaux from Tales of Despereaux: While Despereaux may be little and a bit clichéd he gets credit for embodying the old fashion hero. He’s noble, Brave, and would anything to save his princess. While being little he always takes his challenges head on.

6. James Bond from Quantum of Solace (and a whole lot of other films): Even though his latest flick was disappointing he still gets credit for past works like Casino Royale. Sure he has a problem with killing the people he fights but he got over that. He was determined to get the culprits behind Vesper’s death. Unfortunately I don’t think the story’s concluded. There are still loose ends that need to be tied up. Let’s just hope that his next film is better.

5. Ken from In Bruges: While not the main protagonist of In Bruges he was the bigger hero. The main character Ray is a depressed hit man who accidentally killed a kid and wants to kill himself, but Ken won’t let him. Ken has even been hired to kill Ray but he won’t do it because he thinks Ray has potential for a good life. He’ll even throw himself off a building to warn Ray that he’s in danger. Now that’s a friend.

4. Batman from The Dark Knight: I don’t need to explain why Batman made the list.

3. Walt Kowalski from Gran Torino: Walt Kowalski is a racist, grumpy, old man and we like him for it. He develops a friendship with his Asian neighbors even though his has a prejudice against Asians. But soon his neighbors are taunted by a gang of Asian thugs. I just have to say that I really don’t want to be that gang of thugs.

2. Jamal from Slumdog Millionaire: Jamal doesn’t kick any ass and probably doesn’t have any fighting skills what so ever. Then why did he make it on the list or at least why did he make it in front of action stars like Batman and James Bond. But he doesn’t have to be cool to be a hero. Sometimes all you need is determination and heart, and Jamal has both of those. Despite bad things happening to him he never turns to evil. He’ll go through anything to find his true love even look down the barrel of a gun.

1. Tony Stark from Ironman: I had a hard time deciding between the noblest hero and the coolest hero and since I’m a guy I went with the coolest hero which is Tony Stark. This guy is both rough and funny at the same time. He’s a weapons designer who gets kidnapped by a terrorist group to make a Jericho Missile. He instead builds himself an iron suit and kicks their ass. Tony Stark is cool because he has a funny well rounded personality while at the same time saving people who actually need saving. While Spiderman is stopping some guy from stealing a lady’s purse Ironman is saving a village from genocide.

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