Wednesday, January 28, 2009

7 Lamest Villains of 2008

In a story there’s usually a hero trying to overcome conflict which is usually provided by the villain, but what if the villain really sucks at their job and provides minimal conflict. Well for the 4th entry in the 2008’s Sabertooth Rewards I’m going to list the villains that provide minor inconveniences for the heroes and we can’t take them seriously. Before I’m going to start the list I’ll have to say that I’m not going to include intentional comedic villains unless they were unfunny. Here are the 7 lamest villains of 2008.

7. James from Twilight: Now James does have some cool things about him but he lacks motive. He says he’s trying to kill Bella for sport but it just seems like he’s doing it because he’s bored. Also the whole filming Bella while your attacking her makes me think of YouTube. I think James is just some YouTubing Vampire that is bored.

6. Mac from Indiana Jones 4: Mac starts out as Indiana Jones’ sidekick but soon works for the Russians. He then gets back with Indiana Jones but then he betrays him again. Oh my gosh the guy who was a bad guy before is a bad guy! I totally didn’t see that coming. While being predictable he also has physical faults that make us not take him seriously. Did you know that the guy who played Mac also played Beowulf? Now I know why that movie was computer generated.

5. The T-Rex from Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D: Now when you count a monster as a villain you have to take in account how well the monster was made and how cool it looks. The T-Rex from Jurassic Park a 17 year old film looked better then the T-Rex here.

4. Emperor Han from Mummy 3: When you think a villain that’s played by Jet Li then you probably think a kung fu menace. The creators of Mummy 3 went and thought “Screw the Kung Fu lets just use special effects”. Emperor Han’s back story is pretty generic; he was an emperor that was betrayed by a sorceress that made him turn into pudding. He then comes back wanting revenge. I just think that they wasted Jet Li’s kung fu talent. In fact the only cool thing Emperor Han did was pulling off part of his face and throws it (at that point he had regeneration ability and was made of stone).

3. The Wolf Pack Leader from The Flight before Christmas: if you read my review on this piece of crap Christmas special then you would know that the Wolf Pack Leader is one of the most clichéd villains ever. He’s a wolf which wolves have been used as villains since medieval times. He also has a raspy voice and red eyes. He’s so clichéd that we cannot take him seriously. But he’s very fun to make fun of.

2. The Bullies from Drillbit Taylor: If you read my list of the lamest heroes of 2008 then you would know that the nerds won the award for lamest hero of 2008. What I didn’t mention was that the bullies that picked on them are pretty lame also. First thing that’s lame about them is that they’re in this movie. Second thing about them is that they don’t look that intimidating, they look like kids that would be picked on instead of not being picked on. The third and final thing that’s lame about them is the fact that they aren’t funny. They try to be funny with samurai swords and stuff but they fail every time. Almost as dull as the movie itself the bullies put the bull in bullcrap.

1. The Army from the Incredible Hulk: Join the army! You will run after green monsters that aren’t really harming anyone unless you shoot at them. Join the army! You will shoot at this green monster even though all that does is make him angry. Join the Army! Have your butts whooped by mutated monsters. Join the army, the lame army.

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