Tuesday, January 27, 2009

7 Lamest Heroes of 2008

When watching a film or reading a book you are constantly with the protagonists following them on their adventures, but what if you don’t like the protagonist? What if he/she are dull or annoying? This happens sometimes and when this happens it might ruin the entire film. So for the 3rd part of my Sabertooth Awards I’m going to list my 7 least favorite protagonists of 2008. These protagonist make you wish that you were on the villains side. So let the list of dull or annoying heroes begin.

7. Mutt Williams from Indiana Jones 4: To be honest I didn’t hate Mutt as much as I thought I would. I expected his character to ruin the entire film but he wasn’t really that annoying, that was until he swung in trees with monkeys like freaken Tarzan.

6. Edward Cullen from Twilight: If you’re a guy that has a girlfriend that loves the Twilight series then you would know that girls just love Edward Cullen. He’s apparently their dream man and you have to compete with a fictional character. But don’t worry fellow because if you wait one day she’ll wake up and realize that Edward isn’t really that great. They say he is super romantic but he watches his girlfriend in her sleep without her knowing about it, that’s not romantic that’s creepy. He also inherits some of the stupidity from the author. Like if his eyes are different colors depending on if he ate or not then wouldn’t he just wear colored contacts so people don’t notice that his eyes are gold one day but red the next.

5. Alex O’Connell from the Mummy 3: Now I’ve never liked the character Alex O’Connell. He was annoying in the second Mummy movie and I barely tolerated Mummy the animated series in which he was the star. But I thought I didn’t like him because of the whole annoying kid factor, little did I know that he would become even less likeable when he grew up. Alex O, Connell the adult is a mummy chasing archaeologist that is a womanizer with little to no personality. The actor who played him wasn’t really good at doing his job seeing that he doesn’t sound like a kid who grew up in the early 20th century. There’s even one scene where his girlfriend’s mother dies and she’s all sad but our brilliant actor doesn’t show any emotion what so ever. I just don’t like this guy; at the end where it seems the Emperor Han killed Alex I thought ‘Yes” but when it ended up he wasn’t dead I was like “aw man”.

4. Sean Anderson/ Hannah Asgeirsson both from Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D: I had a hard time picking between Sean Anderson and Hannah Asgeirsson so I decided to go with both. Why do I not like them? Both of them are inconsistent characters. Let’s start with Sean Anderson; he’s a teenage boy who is on an adventure with his uncle. He starts out as a moody teenage jerk but then he’s a wide eyed easy going kid. Now you might be thinking that isn’t inconsistent characters but instead character development but no, next scene he’s a moody teenage jerk again and it goes on. I think that they were trying to go for rounded character but instead came out with a schizophrenic character (Wait I already used this joke). Then there’s Hannah Asgeirsson, the problem with Hannah isn’t her personality (seeing that she doesn’t have one) but her accent. She’s supposed to be Icelandic but for some reason she doesn’t have an Icelandic accent. She instead has an American/English/Scottish/Irish/Aboriginal accent.

3. Jack from Lost: up till now this seemed like a movie blog but no it’s a review blog. But Sabertooth Awards is a movie award but I decided to bend the rules just for Jack. Why, because he is the most unlikable main character in the history of television. Lost is a show with a lot of character each with their own back stories. Like there’s Sayid the Iraqi torturer who cannot be with the woman he loves because she is on the run, and there’s Sawyer the con man who on a mission to get the con man that conned his parents to kill themselves. Man those back stories are interesting and they’re not even the main character Jack is. So what’s Jack’s back story? He’s divorced and has issues with his father. Yeah, that’s not very interesting. What’s worse is that he’s the main characters so that mean he has more flashback episodes then any other character. When I say his flashbacks are boring I mean his flashbacks are boring. Another reason I hate Jack is that he’s such a jerk. Yes I know not every character in story can be nice but Jack takes the jerk trait a step too far. Always yelling, always getting in other people’s business, always being a controlling freak you have to think that everybody on the island just want to kill him. I think the only reason they keep him alive is that he’s the only doctor on the island. Which ironically he hasn’t saved any lives with his medical skills (except for Ben but Ben’s the villain). Uninteresting, Unhandy, and all around unlikable; Jack is the reason why people wanted to leave the island.

2. Ray from Hancock: Ray is a nice guy who loves to give to charity, too bad he doesn’t really have a personality to make him interesting. Let me start at the beginning where Ray is at a business conference. He’s proposing that the company gives to charity and if they do he gives them his logo as a stamp of approval. Now let’s talk about the logo; it’s the most uncreative logo I’ve ever seen; all it is is a heart with an outline of a heart over it. He’s of course rejected. He ends up meeting Hancock and decides to turn Hancock’s life around. Ray ends up getting Hancock a good reputation and Hancock ends up repaying him at the end. How Hancock repays him is that he somehow puts Ray’s logo on the moon. Ray and his family know that it’s Hancock saying thanks but everybody else thinks that it’s a sign of the apocalypse.

1. The Nerds from Drillbit Taylor: The worst movie I’ve seen from 2008 also produced the lamest protagonists from 2008. Now I know that they’re nerds so they are lame intentionally but here’s the thing they’re lame at being lame. Now that should mean that they are cool. No they’re still lame. Let me go over them one at a time. First there’s the tall one that has absolutely no personality whatsoever, there’s the chubby one that has the rapper name G-Dog (most generic rapper name ever). And then there’s the short one who’s so nerdy that I’m embarrassed that he and I share one of the same hobbies. Sure they don’t sound that bad but while watching this film I don’t find myself rooting for these guys but instead hating them.

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