Friday, January 23, 2009

7 Best Villains of 2008

I went over the best heroes of 2008 and I’ve said the hero is the backbone of a good movie. But I might want to take that back because most of the time what makes a movie interesting isn’t the hero but the villain. These are the villains that you love to hate. They mess with the heroes, commit mass murder, or make other people do it. Here are the 7 best villains of 2008.

7. King Miraz from Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian: Miraz is one of the many villains inspired by the king from Hamlet. He doesn’t really bring anything new but he’s still pretty intimidating; killing everything that is magical or mythical. I also like his name; I’ll probably use it as a last name for one of my characters.

6. Prince Nuada from Hellboy 2: Again this villain isn’t really original; bias against humans is something we’ve seen many times. But he makes the list off of sheer force. If you want to know what I mean then just imagine Legalos, except insane.

5. Obadiah Stane from Ironman: Like Miraz his character and motive are inspired by the king from Hamlet. He makes the list higher than Miraz for two reasons; 1: he’s actually in a good movie, 2: he deals under the table with terrorist and ends up building himself an iron suit.

4. Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda: Tai Lung is a really cool villain on kid movie standards. His motive is power like most other villains but how he tries to get it is pretty cool. If you watch the scene where he escapes from prison then you know what I’m talking about. Also unlike most villains you actually see what he looks like when he was a child. It actually makes you feel a little bad for him when he gets blown up at the end because you know that he was actually once cute and innocent.

3. Salim from Slumdog Millionaire: In Slumdog Millionaire it seems that everybody in India was evil but the one person that’s the hate able was no other then Jamal’s brother Salim. Salim is one selfish person not being generous to anyone. Even when he was a kid he was a jerk. One thing that I noticed about Salim was that when he does something to redeem his character he then does something that makes us hate him twice as much. He saves his brother from the evil orphanage owner, he then lets go of Jamal’s girlfriend on purpose leaving her behind, he shoots the evil orphanage owner to help Jamal save his girlfriend, he then kicks Jamal out. He would’ve made it higher on the list but he ends up sort of redeeming himself at the end. Sort of

2. Harry from In Bruges: Harry is a little bit insane. He’s a hit man who actually has morals to him. Harry wants to kill the main character Ray because Ray accidentally shot a little boy. They make an effort to show that Harry isn’t all bad he’s just a little crazy. He even sticks to his morals by killing himself when he thought he killed a little boy (he actually killed a midget).

1. The Joker from the Dark Knight: Now this is a very predictable choice but the Joker is just a great villain. He messes with people and tries to make people do horrible things. What’s so great about the Joker is with his outside of the box schemes that he thinks up. He’s always one step ahead of the cops and Batman. The Joker pretty much makes this movie. Without the Joker the Dark Knight isn’t that good. The late Heath Ledger’s performance was fantastic, give him the Oscar.

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