Saturday, January 31, 2009

7 Best Movie Endings of 2008

A movie can be filled with great action, comedy, romance, suspense, characters, and story but sooner or later it’s going to have to end. Sometimes you can get the whole movie all planned out but you don’t know how to end it. When this happens you have to take the time to think it out because if you mess up the ending it might mess up the film. But sometimes you can get the ending just right and it will make a great film. So I’m going to list the 7 best movie endings of 2008. I’m looking for funny endings, interesting endings, and satisfying endings. So let’s being the list (obviously contains spoilers)

7. Edward actually fights James (Twilight): Sure this ending’s a bit generic and there’s even an unintentionally funny moment but this ending disserves an honorable mention because the ending in the movie is a lot better than the ending in the book. Let me explain; in the movie Edward comes in and defeats James and then saves Bella, but in the book Edward just comes in and has his brothers kill James. The ending in the book really made me angry because it was so anticlimactic so I really appreciate that they changed that for the movie.

6. He dies in the ring (The Wrestler): The Wrestler is about a down on his luck wrestler named Randy the Ram who has a very depressing life. His daughter hates him, the woman he likes won’t date him, and he even has a heart condition that prevents him from wrestling. He stops wrestling for a little bit to try to shape up his life but that ends up failing. So he decides to wrestle in the 20th anniversary of his most famous match. His heart starts going out during the match so his opponent lets him body slam him for the win. Randy crawls up on the corner post and stands tall. He’s crying and the original song by Bruce Springsteen starts playing. He jumps off the post and the screen goes black while he’s in midair and the credits start playing. We know that means his heart goes out on him. While a depressing ending it’s a very fitting ending to this film.

5. It is written (Slumdog Millionaire): Slumdog Millionaire is about a slumdog named Jamal going on Who Wants to be a Millionaire because he knows that his true love will be watching. He makes it far in the show but is arrested because he’s accused of cheating. They end up letting him back on the show with one question left. The question ends up being about the three musketeers which was referenced throughout the movie. He doesn’t know the answer so he uses his last lifeline which is phone a friend so he calls his brother but his true love picks up. It ends up she doesn’t know the answer either so Jamal just guesses. He ends up guessing right so he was right it was written. While many predicted that he would end up winning the money it was a great ending due to the build up to the moment making it a very satisfying ending.

4. I am Ironman (Ironman): Ironman is about a millionaire named Tony Stark who builds himself an iron suit. The movie comes to a close where Tony Stark’s business partner Obadiah Stane builds his own iron suit and tries to kill him. Tony Stark ends up winning which is pretty predictable but that’s not the ending I’m talking about. The ending I’m talking about is at the very end where Tony Stark is at a press conference. An organization called shield gives Tony Stark an alibi which he is suppose to tell the press. Tony Stark is about to tell the press the alibi but he instead puts the cards down and say “the truth is… I am Ironman”. This ending is great because it shows how consistent they went with Tony Stark’s character. It would’ve been so out of character for him to go with the alibi so they made the right decision with the ending.

3. He didn’t bring a gun (Gran Torino): Usually when Clint Eastwood is in a movie you would think that he ends up killing the bad guys but in Gran Torino they decided to do things differently. In Gran Torino Clint Eastwood’s character Walt Kowalski ends up confronting an Asian gang that been tormenting his neighbors. Also Walt Kowalski also has cancer so he doesn’t have long to live. The gang comes out to confront him having their guns pointed at him. Spectators come out of their houses to see what was going on. Walt first pesters the gang by pretending that his finger was a gun and using it on them. Walt then brings out a cigarette and reaches into his coat. The gang all shoot him multiple times, the movie even show that the bullets come out of his back to show he wasn’t wearing a bulletproof vest. Walt falls down and dies, the camera focuses on his hand showing that he was only getting out a lighter. The gang ends up getting arrested because they were a lot of witnesses to report their crime and it ends up Walt didn’t bring a single gun. It was his plan to get shot down.

2. Does he die? He doesn’t care (In Bruges): Now the ending of In Bruges is probably the most interesting ending of any film in this year. Let me explain; In Bruges is about a hitman named Ray who accidentally killed a little boy during his first hit. So he wants to kill himself but another hitman named Ken convinces him that his life is worth living. But their boss Harry has other ideas. Harry comes to kill Ray because of his morals. When Harry comes to kill Ray a suspenseful chase is given. Every opportunity that was foreshadowed ended up going down the toilet. Harry ends up shooting Ray but the bullets go through him and end up shooting a midget. Harry thinking he accidentally killed a little kid; shot himself, and Ray is taken into an ambulance. Ray narrates saying that a few days ago he would have welcome death but now it seems his life is at least worth something, will I live I don’t think it matters. The screen then goes black and the credits start. Does he live or die? I don’t know. That’s what makes this ending interesting.

1. I’ve got your Tivo (Tropic Thunder): since half of my list so far has been unhappy endings I decided to give the #1 spot to the funniest ending of the year which belongs to the movie Tropic Thunder. This ending needs a lot of plot explanation to make sense so I’ll try my best to explain. A director dropped a group of actors in the middle of the jungle to shoot a film. One of the actors is a washed up action star named Tugg Speedman (played by Ben Stiller) who wants to adopt a son. Tugg ends up getting captured by some drug lords. At the pot camp Tugg ends up meeting a little kid and decides to adopt him. There’s also a subplot about Tugg’s manager trying to get Tugg a Tivo. So the groups of actors rescue Tugg and then steal a helicopter, but Tugg decides to stay behind with his new son. Tugg runs to the camp and the actors are about to take off but Tugg comes running back yelling “I was wrong” his son is on his back stabbing him. Tugg throws the toddler off the bridge and gets in the Helicopter. While taking off the Drug lords come back with a rocket launcher and fires a rocket at them, but then Tugg’s manager comes out of the jungle yelling “I’ve got your Tivo”. Tugg’s manager then throws the Tivo in front of the rocket and they’re saved. This ending is a lot funnier if you actually saw it instead of reading about it.

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